

Read some more amazing Gastric Band success’s that our Transform team have helped.



Nic has superb surgical skills, She is very knowledgeable and will hold your hand throughout your journey. You need to be in safe hands, both physically and emotionally on this journey, and you could have no better guardian than this lady. Annmarie Beyer XX


I have had my band for 13 years now. I had my surgery privately in Europe as at that time, there was little opportunity for WLS in the UK and the cost was highly prohibitive. Initially, I had my band adjustments with the Belgian team when they visited the UK. However, they only came over every two months, which left me unsupported if my adjustment needed a tweak shortly after being done. 6 years ago, I met Nicky, and have been with her ever since. Not only is she highly experienced, which enables her to perform the adjustment with skill, speed and accuracy, her ability to build rapport and make you feel at ease is exceptional. Being able to openly share your feelings about your weight, progress, eating habits, self confidence/esteem issues, is so very important as part of your care. Nicky’s surgical skill is superb. A number of practitioners had struggled to find the injection site in my port, resulting in numerous painful failed attempts. Nicky has never had any problem injecting accurately first time. Adjustments with Nicky are quick, accurate, pain free and appropriate. She is also very knowledgeable about the band, the port and the issues around too much or too little restriction. She will hold your hand throughout your journey, and I would simply never go to another practitioner. 


Just like to say how Nic really helped me through my weight loss. I had a gastric band fitted 2 years ago at a size 22 I am now a size 8/10 and Nicola was there for me every step of the way, for help and advice I would highly recommend her to anyone whom is thinking of getting this procedure, as it's a life changing decision. Nicola is there every day at the end of a phone to help encourage and support and getting support is so important. I started off at nearly 17 stone but weigh in at 9 stone 9 lbs today I would just like to say a massive thank you and I look forward to all you help and support in the future.

Lynsey Mc Cullough xx


At 4ft 10 inches and weighing in at 14st 7lb it’s easy to see that I had to make some changes so I’d like to share with you my story As I started out on my journey back in July 2015 I could never dream I would come as far as I have today and all the wonderful help and support I have received from a variety of people from the dieticians and Nikki my favourite nurse (ha ha ha) who has helped me come along way.

From the age of 26 I had started to slowly gain weight which as we all know once that happens it’s very hard to shift, and after trying every diet, fad, craze, pill and starvation I felt like just giving up and probably did for a while but over the years as you get older you pick up more health issues like high blood pressure and with a family history of diabetes and heart problems I was on the rocky road to ruin……anyhow then along came my beautiful grandson and I was besotted with him and yet again tried to diet and make myself healthy with a lot of support from my family and friends but felt like I was hitting a brick wall and my weight loss just seemed to stop.

In 2014 I was in an accident and was off work for a while and the embarrassment I felt when being picked up onto a stretcher by paramedics was horrendous and I was devastated, the only good thing to come out of it all was that I was thrown a life line and received a pay out so decided that I would use this to help me change my lifestyle so I did a lot of research and decided against my families wishes to have a gastric band done and this was all booked and paid for and my operation was on 14/07/15 (above is a picture that was taken a week before I had my band fitted), From then on I have never looked back it has changed my life completely.

At first I found it really hard and thought I would give up , but I kept on and on and on. 20 seconds chew, 20 second wait and 20 minutes on your plate – then discard, it was ritual and I even had my staff chanting with me ha ha ha.

Opposite is the new me with 3.5 stone lighter with a lot more to go but enjoying the journey.

Pat Conder



'Making the decision to have a Gastric Band fitted was the best thing I've ever done. I've lost around 5 stone in total and my life has been transformed! It was really scary at the beginning. I don't think I could have done it without the constant support of Nicola and her team. It's surprising that even today, there isn't a real reputable online forum where you can get all the information you need surrounding your band and what to do if there are any problems.

Just knowing that there is someone there who can answer your addition, knowing that that information is coming from someone qualified and experienced...makes all the difference. My journey still continues and as always I have Nicola by my side helping me along the way. It's a big life altering decision having a Gastric I'm extremely grateful that I've had an abundance of information, support and help throughout the whole process! Thank you! ' Rechelle xx

We have more testimonials

I’m not brave enough yet to post photos of myself but a little more weight to lose and I will be. I have lost 3 Stones and 4 pounds so far but I still want to lose another 2 stones. I couldn’t have done it without Sue’s help. She helped me to lose weight in a way that suited me – every bit of advice was specific to me and if I couldn’t manage something we just made other changes so every week saw some loss on the scales. Little changes all added up over time so I could finally shift the way without a drastic diet. She showed me that whatever I do to lose the weight has to be something I can do forever otherwise as soon as I stop the weight will just go back on again. I don’t want to be yo – yo dieting forever and seeing Sue has helped me make changes for good.    Christine –  Cheshire

I have struggled with my weight for years and finally plucked up the courage to see a dietitian – when I first met Sue I was so nervous but she immediately put me at ease. Together we worked out why all my previous weight loss attempts had failed and worked out how this time was going to be different. Regular support and help followed and gradually I changed my overall lifestyle – step by step I made changes to my eating, food choices and activity levels and steadily and gradually the weight came off. I can’t thank Sue enough for all her help. I still have a way to go with my weight loss but my progress so far has been amazing and for the first time ever I know I will reach my target  Connie  - Manchester

Cannot thank Nic and Sue enough for supporting me throughout my weight loss journey. I feel much healthier and confident and feel my goal weight is within my reach now. Thanks for everything.  Josh

After I had my Gastric Band inserted Nicola was my aftercare Nurse at Rodney Street, Liverpool.  She’s always been supportive of me and explained any queries to me.  If I wanted to race ahead with my band-fills Nicola always kept me grounded.  She has a friendly but professional manner and I’d have been lost without her on my 2 year journey. Thanks Nicola    Jacci xx

I've had numerous GB nurses over the years and Nicola is by far the best. Nicola offers a professional service in a friendly setting, often completing a fill without me even being aware of the needle! Nicola has always been accommodating and offers professional advice while understanding my needs as an individual patient. I can't recommend her highly enough.  Kate xx Belfast

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TRANSFORM HEALTHCARE LIMITED is registered in England with Company Number 10616065 and has its registered office at 132 Manchester Road, Rochdale, Greater Manchester, England, OL11 4JQ.